Monday, March 12, 2012

iPad Review

As a future physical education and health teacher my search for apps was maily focused on fitness and health. I found two great apps that I will be downloading myself for my phone.

The first, made by SparkPeople, is a Diet and Fitness Tracker. You begin the app by entering your gender, current weight, goal weight, height, birthdate (it appears you must be 17 years of age to use). You have the option of setting a wieght management plan where you can lose up to 2 pounds per week or simply maintail your current weight. The app includs a food list with over 1 million foods in it's database, optional meal plans, a fitness tracer with exercise demos, and a weigh-in that graphs your progress. A favorite part of this app is the water drinking guide. It allows you to enter how much water you have drank and how much you have left. In my future class room I will likely use the app only for students to see how what/how much they eat and exercise affects their body. I think older students, high school age, will enjoy tracking their progress.

For a younger age group, I chose a game app entitled Eat this, Not that! You begin buy choosing a catagory: Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks, Dinner, Desserts, or Drinks.There is a casual and a speed round. The chld is then provided with a picture of two similar foods with the calories, fat, saturated fat, and sodium. They are to choose the Healthier of the two before their time runs out. After the answer is chosen, there is a breif description as to why one is healthier than the other. Maybe there is a "paid" edition of this game that would provide a longer gaming experience that would make this app a little better, but I think children grades 3-7 would enjoy playing against their classmates while learning to make healthier choices.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent reviews! I might use the first app myself! Well done!

