Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Double Journal #4

"If digital stories are going to survive in education, they need to be tied to the curriculum and used to strengthen students' critcal thinking, report writing, and media literacy skills."
I LOVE that this instructor is using technology, via digital stories, to enhance her students' literacy along with so many other critical skills. He makes it a point to say that he is not using these digital media narratives to replace the skills needed for the traditional pen and paper report, but to ultimately make the student a better writer. He makes it a point in his classroom to make sure that the story is the main focus of the digital narrative, not the flashy, loud, distracting techonology. His goal is to enhance the story by adding a digital element, not distract from it. Students are to use critical thinking to engage not only the audience, but the writers themselves.

Ohler, J. "The world of digital storytelling." Educational Leadership. Volume 63 No 4. December 2005/January 2006.

Wiki. (2012). http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=digital storytelling in the classroom&view=detail&id=664217b0237e9423889fa24b1a509e3c4b403b00

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you recognize the focus should be on the writing and storytelling rather than non the bells and whistles!

    You demonstrate a strong understanding of how digital stories can be used to improve writing instruction in school!

    Total 5/5
