Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Double Journal #2

"Carole R. Endres, a professor of Economics in the College of Business and Administration (COBA) at Wright State University, described visual learners, on her website, in many domains (Endres, n.d.). One of these domains is the visual students in class. She mentioned that visual learners tend to underline, using different colors, and use charts, pictures, and symbols (Endres, n.d.). For example, if the visual student wants to remember what they read, it is better to use a pen to underline the important points. Also, they can use color to highlight the information. For example, they can highlight the definition in pink; the history background and dates in yellow; and the main idea of the topic or sub topics using green."

     I enjoyed reading this article. It relates to my response in the previous double entry journal assignment when I stated that every child learns differently. I chose this specific quote because I never really considered myself a visual, auditory, or a kinethetic learner until I read this. I use several of the techniques that Endres describes. For example, not long ago I made a comment to my father that I pay more attention and learn better if I use a colored pen, rather than just plain black. He thought I was crazy, but after reading this article I will have to show him just to prove him wrong. In my event planner, I use red pen for school assignments, green for my daughter's appointments because her middle name is Jade, blue for my appointments, and purple to represent my sorority's events. This helps me to stay organized. Throughout high school I thought that I might want to be a math teacher. That ambition quickly depleated when I found out it wasn't the actually math that I liked, but rather the fact that the teachers always got to use an overhead projector.

     I suppose a downside to my strength as a visual learner is the fact that I don't learn very well at all from auditory or kinethetic lessons. Also, when I prepare a lesson or presentation, I use several colors, charts, and other visual aids to enhance my project. I will need to keep in mind for future teaching experiences to try and cater to all learning styles.

(I cannot get this picture to be a link! Keeps popping up with "Error on Page")

Web 2.0 and emerging learning technologies/learning styles. (2011, May 19). Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Awesome image to illustrate visual learning styles! You don't have to hotlink an image.

