Monday, April 30, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Best Web Quest

  1. Which two of example WebQuests listed below are the best ones? Why?
As a group, we decided that the two best WebQuests were Foreign Country presentation and the Shakespeare Presentations were the best. On these, most of the links worked, the efficiency expert thought the expectations were brief, clear, and to the point. 
  1. Which two are the worst? Why?
The worst WebQuests were the Gorillas and the Waves and Sounds presentation. As a group, we did not think that these would be able to hold students attention or encourage them to complete the assignments. 
  1. What do best and worst mean to you?
Best, to me, means that the Quests were well organized, students knew what they were supposed to be doing and when they were supposed to do it. It also made a big difference to me whether or not the links worked as they should.

Worst meant that it was extremely unorganized and unable to hold my attention.


Saving the Gorillas
 Easy, to the point questions. No "busy work."

 Poorly written.
The World of Shakespeare

 VERY organized!
 Seems like quite a bit of work. I hope the students have a few weeks to complete it.

Become an Anti-Earthquake Designer
 Seems interesting.

May not hold student's attention
Foreign Country Presentation
 Some projects would be very interesting

 Not enough clear information

Waves and Sound

 Very clear as to what is expected.
 Process is too long.

Efficiency Expert

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Double Journal 11

1. In writing, things get lost. We lose that personal connection.
2. It is very hard, if not impossible, for teachers to keep up with technology.
3. There are constant wars between what subject matter is important. (science and math, phonics vs. whole language)

* I was also surprised by how he addressed all of the different roles teachers are expected to play.